The founder of the Institution is the Transcarpathian Regional Council

CU «ZOC PN NS» ensures the implementation of a set of measures that are organised and carried out with the aim of promoting the defence of Ukraine through the widest possible involvement of Ukrainian citizens in actions aimed at ensuring civil defence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.

The Centre employs qualified, highly professional instructors who have experience gained during the anti-terrorist operation, fighting for the liberation of Ukraine during a full-scale invasion (or from February 24, 2022).

During the 12-week training, the centre carries out:

  • military and patriotic education of citizens of Ukraine;
  • formation of the population’s patriotic awareness and sustainable motivation, their acquisition of knowledge and practical skills necessary for the civil defence of Ukraine;
  • acquisition of skills and abilities necessary to ensure military security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state;
  • formation of a person favourable for physical and spiritual development, self-education and socialisation, his formation as a complete personality and a responsible citizen of Ukraine;
  • formation of the willingness to master military knowledge, skills and abilities, the appropriate level of military applied physical training
  • formation of the population’s desire for mutual understanding, peace, and harmony between all nations, ethnic, national, and religious groups
  • training of persons to participate in the defence of the population, territories, natural environment and property from emergency situations, liquidation of the consequences of conducting military (combat) actions;
  • training on a voluntary basis for persons to participate in measures to ensure public safety and order in populated areas. Education is free.

The institution cooperates with veteran organisations, children’s and youth associations, public and volunteer organisations, foundations, voluntary institutions, public security formations, etc.

Other persons may be involved in the training of individuals (conducting training, training sessions,  lectures, seminars, master classes, competitions, evaluation of training results, etc.).

The institution strives to conclude cooperation agreements, establish direct relations with foreign partners, participate in the implementation of international projects, grants, in accordance with procedures established by law.

In October 2023, the first graduation of more than 100 trainees of the Centre took place, and the training of the a new group of trainees began.



Ukraine, 88008, Transcarpathian region
Uzhhorod, Visoka street, 8

 tel.:. +38095 913 0589